
Looking around the web you find this site, labeled as a corner bar. Curious to see you hop in (or misclicked while browsing neocities) and you ended up here. Looking at the counter you can see yours truly sitting behind it, doing all sorts of tasks. Take a sit, click one of the buttons on top and look at some stuff i can share that you may or may not find interesting. Or learn some basic info about me and the site here!


My name is Vasili, and i am from greece. I made this site when i was bored because i moved out of my house temporally for the summer to work at a summer job, and i thought it would be a fun task making anything at this point. Heat is awful and i don't have my car licence, and anything semi-fun to do is more than a few kilometers away from me so i am stuck using my computer at the moment. I plan on posting here all sorts of stuff like random photos i find interesting/fun, random stories about me, games i play, music taste through the years, and some art i made as well. This is still in work in progress so keep that in mind stranger. I also left my discord on the top right corner so you can conctact either because you are bored and wanna talk with someone to report a problem!
pictures of me!
I love doing random stuff, a ciggie or booze is enough to convince me to do the most stupid ideas imaginable. From basic dare questions like call your ex and act like you miss her up to risking spraining a leg because you went mach-fuck down the road by sitting with your belly on a skateboard. I also grew up with old technology from the early 2000s/90s because greece was awful in economy so we couldn't afford a proper computer or a ps3/4 to play modern games or have a system that supports the modern internet as we know, which was cool seeing how much different yet same the old and new internet culture was by hopping on a net cafe when i had a few bucks to spare to catch up with what's happening around.